"The bond was deceptive ; for, on this vital point of ultimate sovereignty, — To whom "The bond was deceptive ; for, on this vital point of ultimate sovereignty, — To whom was allegiance due in cases of direct issue and last resort ? — on this crucial point of points the Constitution was not self- explanatory, — explicit. Nor was it meant to be. The framers — that is, the more astute, practical and far- seeing — went as far as they dared." -Charles F. Adams Jr., Union Vet & ex-President of the American Historical Association The Naming Commission's made it clear that it was authorized to rename assets that were honoring the Confederate States of American or honoring someone who voluntarily served in the CSA Armed Forces. This standard is set out multiple times on its website and in Part I of the report. However, at no point does it define voluntary service.
There is no definition of citizenship offered
There is no definition of voluntary service
There are no primary or secondary sources cited to determine any of the men discussed served voluntarily
The report does not determine when the United States became a consolidated republic
The prime question that they were asked to review was ignored. But why? The reason is obvious to those that are familiar with the complexities of the Civil War. Regular people did not know who they owed their allegiance towards: their state or the federal government. The 14th Amendment makes citizenship clear: all persons born in the United States, subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens. As the great historian Charles F. Adams Jr. pointed out, the Constitution was unclear. The Confederacy could never field an army without a belief that ultimate allegiance was due to it. Jefferson Davis, still a sitting U.S. Senator made his position clear in a speech he gave to his colleagues on January 10th, 1861:
"To argue that a man who follows the mandate of his State, resuming her sovereign jurisdiction & power, is disloyal to his allegiance to the US, which allegiance he only owed through his State, is such a confusion of ideas as does not belong to an ordinary comprehension of our Government" The committee refuses to take a position. By doing so, they are unable to make any recommendation regarding the naming of new assets unless the asset is to honor the Confederacy. If Jefferson Davis is wrong, the commission must say why. Davis himself resigned from the Senate as a result of the actions of his state. As you read through the report you do not see any letters, diaries or speeches from 1860 or 1861. It is clear the committee did not do any research on the matter and reached no conclusion. Congress told them to only rename assets for men who voluntarily served. Since they did not do so, Congress and the Department of Defense must reject their report and recommendation